Are you a “liberal Republican” or “conservative Democrat”? Do you detest the terms liberal and conservative and would much rather prefer to be called a Centrist or progressive? Do you think the two-party system is ruining this country? Do you sometimes wish the religious right and the intellectual elitist left would just shut up every once in a while and listen to the silent majority? Do you support candidates based on their stands on issues instead of the letter in between parenthesis that follows their names? Do you like your diplomacy with a big stick and your trusts busted? Are you all for equality and free enterprise? Think liberating 26 million people was a good thing? Think poor workers deserve reasonable health care? Think the minimum wage should be higher and taxes should be lower and the government shouldn't waste millions of dollars in pork bills and satisfying the will of lobbyists? Tired of your Republican friends calling you a left-wing loony and your Democrat friends calling you a right-wing nut job? Think Teddy Roosevelt was the coolest and most underrated president ever? Want to show everyone you are a Centrist and proud of it? If you answered yes to any of the questions, then the
Bull Moose Party is for you!
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